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Taking a time out from electronic devices to learn & participate in hands-on education provides an opportunity to develop lifelong culinary skills & a future of health for your child. Kids Fun With Food is an innovative concept which provides an exciting way to learn about food, eating for good health and how to prepare great tasting meals.

Mealtime with young children is a frustrating experience for many parents who struggle to convince their little darlings that vegetables are yummy & fun to eat. With the prevalence of childhood obesity in America today, it has never been more important than now to instruct children on good eating habits.

The classes are practical hands-on cooking with menus that use fresh produce and recipes that are interesting, easy to make and delicious. We supply all equipment, aprons (kids get at registration) and food; participants need only a sense of fun and eagerness to learn.  Looking ahead & investing in your child's health and yours ~ one class at a time.

Whether it is working with Camp Fire USA in Lakeland FLAcademy Prep Lakeland or Florida Children's  Museum in Lakeland FL, education and hands-on learning is the key to getting children to eat better selections of food.
Fun recipes & themed events keep the kids engaged and busy. Rarely is there any leftovers. When they create the masterpiece, they are proud of it and eating it is not a challenge. They take home not just recipes but an excitement to help in the kitchen along with a desire to experiment with food.

Make Snack Time Fun

Be Creative

Edible Artwork

KFWF is a division of Nutrition Reset

My commitment as a parent is to feed myself and my kids high quality whole foods. And, as a devoted parent, share the yummy food with other kids and their families; to help parents figure out healthy eating and living for themselves and their children. 

I strongly believe we need to start educating children on better nutrition, work to help the children make sense of this information, and think about nutrition more consciously. 

 Not being deceived by the cute animals or alluring packaging is one of the most challenging tasks we face today. Until parents realize the importance of nutrition and physical activity, we will continue to see increasing statistics of childhood obesity, diabetes and other serious health concerns.



Explore with your kids in the Kitchen.

If it is fun, they will participate.

Taste testing together is a great way to learn.

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